Landlord guides

There are a number of important factors to consider for anyone thinking about letting their property. From practical advice to legal responsibilities, our guides are here to help.

Studetns socialising in the living room
How to rent out your property

Do you know your obligations and responsibilities as a landlord? Ever changing regulations can lead to you unwittingly breaking the law so it's vital you're up to date.

Tax written on chalkboard next to some model houses
Landlord tax on property investments

The tax position surrounding owning property can be complex. This guide explains some of the tax issues surrounding property investment to illustrate how making small changes could save you money.

Femal agent shaking hands with customer
What does a letting agent do?

Handing the reigns to a letting agent is an important decision, but what exactly does a letting agent do and how can you find one that's right for you? 

What is Client Money Protection (CMP)?

Letting agents across the UK hold an estimated £2.7 billion of clients’ money. CMP gives you the peace of mind that your money is safe whilst it's being held by the agent.

Man reading an evicition notice
Eviction do's and don'ts

There may come a time when eviction is the only and final option so we have compiled this list of what, and what not to do. Don't forget the rules for eviction vary depending on where you are in the UK.

Family looking at laptop on sofa
Fair wear and tear

To help you assess whether any damage is in excess of fair wear and tear, an inventory check should be completed and agreed with the tenant at the start of the tenancy.

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Safety responsibilities for landlords

To help you get to grips with what’s expected, we have outlined the main safety concerns you must be aware of and the legal obligations you must adhere to.

Electrician working on fuse box
Electrical safety standards

The electrical safety standards came into force on 1 June 2020. They set out new rules to ensure all fixed electrical installations are safe and maintained correctly.

Agent showing a tenant the boiler
Gas safety checks for landlords

Research has shown that more than one in three private landlords did not know it was their responsibility to get gas appliances checked.

Man holding head on sofa
What to do if your tenant has not paid the rent 

A tenant who has fallen into rent arrears can be a distressing time for both the landlord and tenant. Follow our steps to help you resolve the situation smoothly.

Person holding keys by a door
What is tenant referencing?

Check a prospective tenant so you can make an informed decision about whether to rent your property to them. Reference checks include credit eligibility, employer checks and previous landlord references.

Woman thinking about something
Jargon busting A–Z

There can be a lot to get your head around when it comes to property. We've put together a list of common terms to help you beat the jargon.