Someone is eligible for the scheme if they are a Ukrainian national or the immediate family member of a Ukrainian national and were resident in Ukraine prior to 1 January 2022.
The scheme allows sponsors in the UK to nominate a named Ukrainian or a named Ukrainian family to stay with them in their homes or in a separate property. People wanting to be sponsors who do not know anyone personally fleeing Ukraine can also record their interest in being a sponsor.
Registering interest in the Homes for Ukraine Scheme
The UK Government are asking for people with a residential spare room or separate self-contained accommodation that is unoccupied to register.
How long does the accommodation need to be available?
The accommodation must be available for at least six months, fit for people to live in, and suitable for the number of people to be accommodated. Sponsors are not expected to cover the costs of food and living expenses.
How will the scheme work?
Individual sponsors will be asked to provide homes, or a spare room rent-free for as long as they are able with a minimum stay of six months. In return, they will receive an ex-gratia (by favour) payment of £350 per month for up to 12 months. This payment will be made in arrears.
The £350 is not taxable and should not impact benefit entitlement. If people charge rent (even if a top-up to £350) this would grant tenancy rights and likely create a tenancy so resulting in compliance with all the associated legal requirements.
People arriving under this scheme will be able to:
- Live and work in the UK for up to three years
- Access healthcare, benefits, employment support, education, and English language tuition
The UK Government has confirmed that households in England who become sponsors will not lose their council tax discounts.
Regulations have been introduced to protect sponsors’ council tax discounts for single persons and limit the impact on council tax payments for those sponsoring a family in a second property.
The UK Government is working closely with the devolved administrations on how the scheme is rolled out across the UK.