How Rent Service Scotland sets rates and compares evidence

Chris Donaldson, Head of Rent Service Scotland at the Scottish Government and Tim Thomas, Propertymark’s Policy and Campaigns Officer, will explore how Local Housing Allowance (LHA) and Universal Credit (UC) Housing Element rates are calculated.

Glasgow city scape

This is an ideal insight for property agents to understand how these systems affect rent calculations, what they mean for rental properties, and the broader housing landscape. 

Topics include:

  • How the Service collects data, calculates and sets rates
  • How supplying rents improves data and how to supply it
  • How rent adjudication works
  • The importance of comparing evidence in the rental market


Chris Donaldson

Head of Rent Service Scotland

Chris heads up the Rent Service Scotland team within the Scottish Government, which collects market evidence on private properties for rent across Scotland for Local Housing Allowance Rate purposes and provides valuations for Fair Rents and Local Reference Rent determinations. Also responsible for rent adjudications on Private Residential Tenancies, as modified in April 2024. Chris brings a wealth of both experience and practical lived expertise that can't be found anywhere else.
Tim Thomas

Policy and Campaigns Officer, Propertymark

Tim is leading on Welsh policy for the Private Rented Sector. Prior to joining the Propertymark team, Tim amassed over fifteen years’ experience working in policy and research roles including roles with several Welsh local authorities, third sector organisations and more recently was the Campaigns and Public Affairs Officer at the National Residential Landlords Association.