Inventory Hive: Property inspection software

Inventory Hive is a beautifully simple cloud-based property reporting and 360° virtual tour software — allowing for market leading paperless creation of inventories, check-ins, interim visits, comparative check-outs, custom reports and 360° virtual tours.

Inventory Hive was awarded the best overall supplier at the EA Masters 2022 and Best Medium supplier in 2023 and well as winning Supplier of the Year (Technology) – Apps at the Negotiator awards 2023.

With Inventory Hive you can:

  • Create unlimited inventories, check-ins, interim visits, check-outs and customisable reports via desktop and iOS and Android App.
  • Engage with tenants to reduce disputes and capture signatures digitally
  • Have unlimited users at no extra cost
  • Serve audit-trailed documents (eg safety certificates, fire evacuation procedures, welcome information and more)
  • Manage maintenance portfolios (eg residents flag issues during move-in, or identify team locate them during inspections)
  • Use image recognition AI to scan utility reading photos and auto populate readings
  • Integrate with other platforms like Fixflo and Reapit as well as other CRMs
  • Our dedicated customer success team will do all the heavy lifting and help users on board using the Inventory Hive property reporting platform
  • Create 360° Virtual Tours
  • Create reports on mass and schedule actions and pre-defined times
  • Smoke and carbon monoxide alarm compliance with in-built expiry reminders
  • Answer compliance questions which can be embedded within your reports
  • Diary with maps features
  • Free 30-day trial and training for you and your lettings team

Our versatile cloud-based platform allows users to switch between desktop, tablet and mobile Apps. Offline capabilities enable the creation of reports, inspection visits and 360° virtual tours with no network connection whatsoever.

What’s more, our innovative approach and commitment to continuous improvement means we’re not standing still on new features with regular platform updates being rolled-out. Read our reviews here →

Sign up for your free 30-day trial

Offer to members

Book your features and benefits demo and receive a £5 costa coffee voucher after the demo has been completed. Book a quick chat   →

Inventory hive

Beautifully simple property inspection and 360° virtual tour software

FREE recording: Sept 2023

Webinar: How to create check-out reports that compare against your previous check-in inventory

Hosted by: Mitch Handley, Marketing Manager at Rightmove.
Create efficient and robust inventory reports that compare seamlessly with each other this webinar covers:

  • What does a robust check-out report contain?
  • How to set up a check-out report to compare against the original check-in inventory
  • How to view your comparative check-in report descriptions and photos via Inventory Hive
  • What do I include in my check out report?
  • How to obtain feedback on your check out report from the tenant
  • What happens when the report is completed?

Watch now

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