Border Force amnesty scheme

We have partnered with Border Force on an initiative to responsibly remove ivory and other endangered species items from circulation. Participation in the scheme demonstrates your support for various initiatives to preserve endangered wildlife.

Items made from ivory

The scheme is designed to remove items that are made from (or include) ivory or other endangered species material such as rhinoceros horn or tortoiseshell (marine turtle). It aims to be as user-friendly as possible with minimum paperwork with a focus placed on items which cannot be legally sold.

Unscrupulous traders obtain ivory items (including broken or other unsaleable items) and illegally export them to countries where they can be reworked and sold for profit—this scheme ensures this cannot happen.

What items will Border Force accept?

Border Force is happy to accept most items, including unworked elephant tusks, but they would prefer that you don't send large pieces of furniture or pianos. The picture above displays the first three submissions to the scheme from NAVA Propertymark salerooms.

If you have a large object where the ivory or other material can be removed easily, (e.g. inlays or piano key flats) they will accept the removed elements. If you are unsure about an item (or have a question about a CITES matter) their team will be happy to help, please email [email protected]

How the amnesty scheme works

Download the form below and send it together with the items you wish to dispose of to the Border Force CITES Team (address is on the form). If you have more items than can be listed on one form, complete another form for the additional items.

In return, Border Force will send you a letter with a legal notice. Don’t panic, you do not have to do anything  (unless you require any of the items returned to you). A month later you will receive a further Notice of Seizure for your records and the matter will be concluded.

While Border Force are required to record the matter, you will not be recorded as having committed any offence. You will in fact be recorded as having made a worthwhile contribution to conservation.

Download the form