Charity auction of iconic tractor to be part of firm's bicentennial celebrations

The Propertymark Protected company, Cheffins, purchased the machine in 2024 from an onsite auction which the firm hosted and hopes it could now raise up to £20,000. The fully restored 1963 Fordson Super Dexta will go under the hammer in October 2025, with all proceeds going to the Addenbrookes Charitable Trust.

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Oliver Godfrey, Head of the Cheffins Machinery Division, commented that after an extensive restoration, the Super Dexta is now resplendent in orange and blue livery to match the Cheffins brand. Anyone wanting to have a look at this sought-after model can see the Cheffins Charity Tractor at a host of events throughout the UK over the coming months, including The Suffolk Show on the 29 and 30 May 2025.

The tractor will be sold as part of the Cheffins Vintage Sale on 18 October, hosted at the Cheffins Machinery Saleground at Sutton, near Ely.

Auctioneer running an auction
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A long history

The business that became Cheffins began as a cattle auctioneer in Saffron Walden in 1825, and over 200 years of mergers, acquisitions and amalgamations has grown to six offices across Cambridgeshire offering advice on property, land, farms, fine art, tractors and steam engines, and hosting regular auctions for all these divisions.

Ivory tusks in a wooden crate
13 Jan 2025
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Supporting auctions careers

Propertymark Qualifications offers Level 3 Awards in  Chattels Auctioneering and Real Property Auctioneering, which provide learners with the knowledge of legislation and practice they need to enter or develop in the profession. The qualifications are completed flexibly through distance learning and are recognised by employers, making them the perfect starting place for building a successful career.

For agents in other divisions interested in stepping into the world of auctioneering, we offer Essential Skills courses throughout the year, led by highly respected and experienced auctioneer and estate agent, Richard Copus FNAVA FNAEA (Honoured).

 Propertymark Qualifications logo
Propertymark Qualifications

Specialist, regulated property qualifications which you can complete flexibly through distance learning or with additional support with a Propertymark Qualifications recognised centre.

Ongoing membership benefits

Our knowledge hub for auctioneers and valuers contains fact sheets, guides and primary authority advice on key topics such as anti-money laundering and the Ivory Act. We carry out ongoing market research and publish a quarterly Auctions Barometer report highlighting the latest trends and identifying upcoming opportunities and challenges for auctioneering professionals.

Members also have access to tools that support them in their daily roles, including specialist helplines, preferential rates and services to help with governance, risk management and compliance.  

Propertymark provides us with a one-stop shop to find out all we need about legislation and marketing, while also keeping us up to date with everything going on in the industry.

We find that being members of Propertymark really helps to give us the seal of approval and gives clients the confidence in using us as agents.

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Sarah Bush MARLA MNAEA Director and Head of Residential | Cheffins