Decent Homes Standard moving forward across all rented sectors

The UK Government announced measures affecting letting agents, landlords, and tenants at the 2024 Labour Conference with Awaab’s Law legislation being brought forward to Autumn 2024 for the social rented sector with a consultation on a new Decent Homes standard across all rented sectors imminent.

A condensated bedroom window

Additionally, new access to information requirements for housing associations will be introduced so tenants can access the information they need to hold the social landlords to account.

Also, a Competence and Conduct standard for the social rented sector will be introduced to ensure staff have the right skills, behaviours and experience. It will include qualification requirements for senior managers and executives. Propertymark feels that this should be extended to the private rented sector too, and advocates for regulation of lettings agents in England. Propertymark’s members already work above what the law requires, are qualified, and provide a competent service to landlords and tenants.

Accountability for everyone

Looking to ensure safe, secure housing will be the standard people can expect in both social housing and privately rented properties. The decent homes standard should provide some accountability for tenants too. If a breach in the standard is due to a tenant's lack of care or neglect, the landlord should not be held accountable for the violation; this is especially important when addressing damp and mould issues.

Propertymark has long advocated for such reforms, seeing them as necessary to professionalise the sector and protect tenants from unacceptable living conditions, however, we raised concerns about the implementation.

The responsibility for enforcement will likely fall on local authorities, who are mostly under significant pressure; without new resources and funding to support the implementation of the decent homes’ standard, many councils will inevitably struggle.

Propertymark will feed into the consultation and continue to represent members' views. Any comments or concerns should be fed through to the Policy and Campaigns Team at [email protected]

Property agents want to see safe and secure homes across the private rented sector, so extending the Decent Homes Standards and Awaab’s Law into the Private Rented Sector is welcome. However, understanding different property types and greater partnerships when working with agents, tenants and landlords is key to the success of these measures.

Many property agents are already operating to professional standards, so want to know, through the consultation process how the UK Government will ensure local authorities are adequately resourced and funded so they can enforce the new rules effectively.
Timothy Douglas Serious
Timothy Douglas Head of Policy and Campaigns | Propertymark