Dedication to energy security and net-zero

Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak has appointed the Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP, as Secretary of State for the new UK Government Department that’s been tasked with securing long-term energy supply, bringing down bills and halving inflation.

Clouds in the sky

The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero has been created to recognise the significant impact rising prices have had on households across the country as a result of the war in Ukraine, and the need to secure more energy from domestic nuclear and renewable sources.

Energy efficiency and the property sector

Propertymark welcomes the new department and will look to work with Shapps and his Ministers to ensure the property sector can play its part in the UK becoming net zero by 2050.

Buildings account for 30 per cent of emissions in the UK, with homes making up 17 per cent of the total, which means there is room for improvement across the sector. However, property agents are looking for clarity on how landlords, homeowners and businesses can meet energy performance targets.

Our Lagging behind: Energy Efficiency in Low-Viability Properties report calls for local and central government to produce a coordinated strategy across the country which incorporates financial incentives, awareness raising and skills development to deliver the improvements that are needed.

Improving the energy efficiency of housing and buildings is not only important to reduce fuel bills but is the right thing to do.

Lagging behind research.jpg
21 Oct 2021
Lagging behind: energy efficiency in low-viability properties

This report raises concerns over the affordability of retrofitting properties and highlights that residents in the North of England will be the hardest hit. Failure to factor in huge regional variations in property costs when incentivising homeowners and landlords to meet national net zero targets risks deepening economic inequality.

Ministerial appointment covering housing

Rachel Maclean MP has been appointed Minister of State in the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, a replacement for Lucy Frazer, who was only in post for just over three months. 

Propertymark will engage with the new Minister to continue lobbying on behalf of members and the sector. 

UK Government departments

Three other departments were created to focus on the PM’s five promises to halve inflation, grow the economy, reduce debt, cut NHS waiting lists, and create new laws to stop small boats that come to the UK illegally detained and removed.

The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology will drive innovation that will deliver improved public services, create new and better-paid jobs and grow the economy. A combined Department for Business and Trade will support growth by backing British businesses at home and abroad, promoting investment and championing free trade. Plus, a re-focused Department for Culture, Media and Sport will recognise the importance of these industries to our economy and build on the UK’s position as a global leader in the creative arts.