Elected Board members and division Vice-Presidents announced

At the Propertymark AGM today, 28 June 2024, we welcomed three newly elected members of the Propertymark Board and marked the beginning of fresh Presidential terms for the ARLA Propertymark and NAEA Propertymark Advisory Panels. This year's successful Vice-Presidents were also announced and will join the presidential teams for the sales and lettings divisions.

Propertymark 'P' lapel badge

AGM goes online

We were delighted to welcome members from across the UK and internationally to our first fully interective digital AGM, which gave members a chance to hear updates on key issues from our Chair, CEO, and Head of Finance, along with the opportunity to ask questions.

Setting the agenda for progress

Grace Milham (ARLA Propertymark), Richard Worrall (NAEA Propertymark) and David Votta (ARLA Propertymark) were elected by members and now join the Propertymark Board in vital roles which help set the strategic direction for the organisation.

Read more about our Board and governance  →

Grace brings skills in law, compliance, training, lettings and strategic decision making to her role on the Propertymark Board. She has worked in property agency for 20 years, progressing from a role as a negotiator to commercial, compliance and operations director positions.

Richard has been successfully selling property since 1986. He joined the National Association of Estate Agents in 1990, becoming a Fellow in 2004, and was NAVA Propertymark Auctioneer of the Year runner up in 2010. He has previously served as President of NAVA Propertymark and is a current Ambassador for the Propertymark Trust.  

A previous ARLA Propertymark President, David is a dynamic, passionate, and energetic property professional with his own business in South-East England. He has extensive experience running boards, advisory panels and teams, and brings a wealth of legislative knowledge and property business skills to the table. 

I was really pleased to see so many people standing for election and I’m delighted to have been successful. What I learnt from my ambassadorial role as ARLA Propertymark President I can now use to inform the strategic work on the board and continue all of the great work that’s going on for members.
David Votta
David Votta PPARLA Board Member | Propertymark

I’m delighted to be joining the Propertymark Board, my focus going forward is to really make sure that member voices are heard at board level. I look forward to listening and learning from the existing board members and bringing my expertise to the table as well.

Richard Worrall
Richard Worrall FNAEA MNAVA Board member | Propertymark

 Amplifying member voices

Toby Leek and Angharad Trueman now move into their ultimate roles as division Presidents, where they will represent members in the media and at events.

With the range of additional benefits that are being rolled out for members and the political landscape looking like an imminent change, it is very exciting times to be stepping into the presidential role in order to support all our members.
Toby Leek
Toby Leek MNAEA President | NAEA Propertymark
This ambassadorial role is a real privilege and a huge career highlight. In our potentially changing political landscape, we are in for an interesting time for letting agents across the UK. I can’t wait to spend time meeting, supporting, and being the voice for ARLA Propertymark members over the next year.
Angharad Trueman
Angharad Trueman FARLA President | ARLA Propertymark

Joining them are the two new Vice-Presidents, Ian Harris and Kim Lidbury, who will begin their three-year stint progressing into the President-Elect roles in 2025 before taking up their Presidencies in 2026. They will lead the Advisory Panels which are made up of practitioners who feed in to shape the direction of policy and voice members' views.

Ian has been working as a sales agent based in Norfolk for over 30 years. His experience as a member of the Advisory Board along with day-to-day estate agency experience means he keeps a first hand feel for what works and what doesn’t in property sales. 

Starting her career as a property manager when she was just 18, Kim is now a Group Director responsible for a team of over 500 property managers across the country. Her passion, integrity and drive have led her to really understand what consumers want from their agencies, but also how to support people coming into the industry to start their career. 

Over my three years in the presidential team I’m looking forward to supporting colleagues through changes in legislation and working with Propertymark Qualifications to make sure that everyone in the sector has access to qualifications.

Kim Lidbury.jpg
Kim Lidbury MARLA Vice-President | ARLA Propertymark
I can hardly believe it, I’m very excited and looking forward to new challenges. We have political change coming up which will develop new thinking in the property sector. My real passion is the home buying and selling process and I want to hear from members on how we can make that better.
Ian Harris
Ian Harris MNAEA MARLA Vice-President | NAEA Propertymark

Recognising service to the industry

Propertymark extends a huge thank you and appreciation to those ending their terms this year who have dedicated their time and expertise to driving our strategy and vision forward.

  • Michael Holden FNAEA – after serving his year as President of NAEA Propertymark, Michael will remain on the Advisory Panel as immediate past-President
  • Karen McArthur – has served for three years as a non-executive director
  • John Paul MARLA – has served a 4-year term as an elected board member and will continue in his capacity as an ARLA Propertymark Advisory Panel member.
  • Richard Selwyn FNAEA – has served a four-year term as an elected board member.
  • Greg Tsuman PPNAEA – after serving his year as President of ARLA Propertymark, Greg will remain on the Advisory Panel as immediate past-President.  

I firstly want to thank those who are stepping down following their set terms as either Board Members or Presidents. Their contributions, skills, knowledge, and dedication in helping to propel Propertymark forwards has been invaluable, and their unwavering support has been greatly appreciated.

The next twelve months will see further exciting aspirations come to life and I would personally like to welcome our newly elected team into place. I very much look forward to working with them.

Propertymark has seen huge evolution across the last few months and the future holds a further raft of exciting projects and industry innovation. It’s important to have a diverse and ambitious team in place to bring this vision to life, and I believe as an organisation we are truly well placed to achieve our objectives.

Nathan Emerson
Nathan Emerson CEO | Propertymark
