Full EPC reform in Scotland

A consultation setting out proposals to reform domestic and non-domestic energy performance certificates has been opened by the Scottish Government because they think the metrics and ratings EPCs currently use are not appropriate to drive improvements and meet legally binding targets to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.

Energy Efficiency

As an important source of information for a current and potential occupier, EPCs are one of the few pieces of information householders and building owners receive that helps them understand the performance of their building. However, the metrics and ratings EPCs currently use are not appropriate to drive the improvements.

Clear timelines for legislation

The proposals include plans to reform metrics, the purpose and validity period of EPCs, the EPC format, and quality assurance procedures. Stakeholder views are sought ahead of the introduction revised Energy Performance of Buildings (Scotland) Regulations in Winter 2023-24. This would mean that revised EPCs come into force shortly afterward.

This timeline is intended to allow reformed EPCs, with metrics that appropriately reflect the performance of buildings, to be in place in advance of wider Heat in Buildings regulations, which are planned for 2025. However, the Scottish Government will review UK Government’s timeline for development of Standard Assessment Procedures (SAP) 11 (planned for 2025), which may provide a more appropriate point to introduce the reformed EPC.

The consultation closes on 16 October 2023 and sets out the following:

  • The current EPC system in Scotland, including the purpose and validity period of EPC
  • Stakeholder recommendations for reform, and previous research, working groups, and consultation
  • Digital accessible EPC format and content
  • Quality assurance and the Approved Organisation Framework
  • Timeline for implementation

There are three headline metrics that support policy purposes – the heat demand, the cost to run the dwelling, and whether the heating system is zero direct emissions compliant.

Input to the energy performance certificate reform consultation →

Have your say

Propertymark will be responding to the consultation, and we encourage individuals to input their views too. We welcome any comments to support our response which can be sent to our Policy Team at [email protected]

You can also address issues directly with Scottish Government officials at virtual EPC reform engagement sessions:

Plus, a representative from the Buildings Regulation Unit at the Scottish Government will be attending the Propertymark Autumn National Conference in Glasgow on 12 October.

Edinburgh castle and cityscape illuminated at night
Scottish National Conference

Stay ahead of new legislation and take new skills and knowledge back to your branch. Our conferences are an ideal place to network with like-minded professionals, stay up to date with Scotland’s residential sales and lettings industry, learn business skills as well as providing you with the latest thinking on best practice. Propertymark members can also record their attendance as Continuing Professional Development (CPD).