Funding to help Ukrainians into their own homes

£150 million of UK-wide funding has been announced for local authorities to support Ukrainian families in sustainable accommodation in the private rented sector, help them get jobs and continue sponsorship.

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Devolved funding

The funding will be allocated across the UK according to the number of Ukrainians in each nation. £109 million for England, £30 million for Scotland, £8 million for Wales and around £2 million to Northern Ireland.

Each local authority will be best placed to understand the support needed for local communities and, within England, this funding may also be used to support other people at risk of homelessness in line with local pressures.

Propertymark has highlighted issues with supply and the causes for these issues, including changes to tax arrangements for landlords, and failure to increase local housing allowance in line with inflation. 

Ukraine national colours in a pattern
05 Aug 2022
Homes for Ukraine: Supply remains the biggest factor

Propertymark are feeding into the UK Government at a range of levels on different issues. In a current industry roundtable on refugee access to the Private Rented Sector (PRS) we are discussing key issues for those in the Homes for Ukraine sponsorship scheme.

Homes for Ukraine Scheme

Since its launch in March 2022, the UK has welcomed over 124,000 Ukrainians. with almost half of the working-age nationals now in employment and settled into local areas with the right to work, receive benefits and access public services from day one.

Hosts in the UK will continue to receive a monthly £350 thank-you payment during guests’ first 12 months, rising to £500 a month during the following 12 months.

The Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain stated Ukrainians everywhere are grateful to the British people for opening their homes and hearts to Ukrainians fleeing their homes due to Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine. They also welcomed the announcement, which recognises the commitment of sponsors and local authorities during difficult economic times and will provide additional support and reassurance to Ukrainian families as they rebuild their lives and seek to overcome war trauma.

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25 Mar 2022
FAQs: Homes for Ukraine

On 14 March 2022, the UK Government announced that UK individuals, charities, community groups and businesses can record their interest in supporting Ukrainians fleeing the war through the UK Government’s new Homes for Ukraine scheme.

Driving whilst in Great Britain

After careful consideration, following a consultation, the Department for Transport has confirmed they will be extending the time Ukrainian refugees can drive on their home country driving licence, from one year to three, to help many continue the lives and jobs they have forged since arriving here.

Propertymark has engaged with the UK Government and expressed the importane of integrating all refugess (Ukrainian and Afghan) into the community and the best tenure for this would be the PRS. However, in order to facilitate landlords in this, the UK Government must make it financially viable by adding incentives. The guaranteed rent at local housing council level is proving to be too much of a barrier, landlords also need support to help the refugees integrate into communities and overcome other barriers. 

We have also had conducive talks with the Scottish Government and Ministers and they are trying to disperse refugees around the country, however, local housing allowance remains a barrier too.

Tim Thomas
Tim Thomas Policy and Campaigns Officer | Propertymark