Heat in Buildings Strategy leaves questions unanswered

The new strategy announced by the Scottish Government requires over a million homes and the equivalent of 50,000 non-domestic buildings to convert to zero emissions by 2030.

EPC on a tablet

The Strategy sets out the pathway for cutting greenhouse gas emissions within Scotland by more than two thirds.

It is estimated that the transition to zero emissions heat could support around 16,400 jobs across the economy in 2030 and to maintain progress towards Scotland’s statutory emission reduction targets, this must scale up to provide a total of at least 124,000 systems installed between 2021 and 2026.

However, questions have been left unanswered in regard to what financial support will be made available to landlords and homeowners in order to ensure that properties in the PRS and as well as owner-occupier households meet EPC band C in the timeframes provided.

The publication of the Scottish Governments Heat in Buildings Strategy has left some previously discussed questions unanswered.

The mention of a Green Heat Finance Task Force shows acknowledgement that there will be costs involved, but what’s lacking is detail on the availability of financial support landlords and homeowners can expect to receive. There is no mention of a cost cap which was previously discussed.

Any new regulations must avoid the unintended consequence of landlords leaving the private rented sector, at a time when they are most needed.

Realistically, to achieve the number of properties in the PRS meeting EPC band C by 2025 at change of tenancy, and all PRS properties by 2028, as well as owner occupiers to meet level C by 2033, the funding process needs to be well thought out and implemented as well as adequate materials and a skilled work force available.

Daryl McIntosh
Daryl McIntosh Policy Manager | Propertymark