Housing Legal Aid offered in England and Wales

The Housing Loss Prevention Advice Service (HLPAS) comes into effect on 1 August 2023 to give free legal advice, and representation in court, regardless of financial circumstances for anyone at risk of losing their home.

Unhappy couple with boxed up home

Funded by the Legal Aid Agency, HLPAS provides advice to anyone at risk of possession proceedings and loss of their home, in relation to housing, debt and welfare benefits issues. It also provides a Court Duty, which is an on-the-day emergency advice and advocacy service for anyone facing possession proceedings.

The previous scheme, Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme, only provided representation on the day, and this scheme is aiming to provide access to early legal advice to give the opportunity to stop problems from escalating to prevent cases from going to court unnecessarily.

Tenants and homeowners can access early help

Individuals, immaterial of the reasons why they are facing losing their home, who are private and social tenants, homeowners, leaseholders and those with shared ownership can access the service, providing they have written evidence of a risk of possession proceedings or loss of their home.

Examples of written evidence include:

  • a letter or notice from a landlord where an informal licence exists
  • notice to quit from a landlord where a renting arrangement lacks the security of tenure
  • letter before action as required by the Pre-Action Protocol For Possession Claims based on Home Purchase Plan Arrears in Respect of Residential Property
  • notice seeking possession served by a landlord
  • letter from the court notifying the Client that possession proceedings have been issued.

How to access HLPAS

View the UK.Gov website for a full list of providers who deliver Housing Loss Prevention Advice Services, which is continually updated as further provider contracts commence.

Visit the HLPAS website for concise information for applicants and FAQs  →
