Importance of How to Rent guide to the lettings process

Serving the guide to tenants is a key part of the lettings process and one of the many steps that Goodlord's platform automates for letting agents which is essential to stay compliant.

To let board, london terraced houses.

When the guide needs to be given to tenants

The latest available version of the guide, issued by the UK Government in March 2023, needs to be shared by a letting agent or landlord with tenants in England when their new assured shorthold tenancy starts.

The guide outlines everything a tenant needs to know, from how to search for a new home and what they need to do once they've found one, through to their rights and responsibilities when living in the rented property and then how to end the tenancy.

This is a legal requirement under the Deregulation Act 2015. The guide can be printed to give to the tenant or sent via email, with the tenant's permission.

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02 Oct 2023
How to Rent guide changes

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DHLUC) has updated the How to Rent guide, one of the prescribed documents that agents need to issue pre-tenancy and on renewal in England.

Renewing a tenancy or transitioning to a periodic tenancy

Landlords or letting agents won't need to provide the document again when the contract is renewed or moves to periodic unless the guide has been updated since the contract originally started.

What if the guide is served to the tenant at the wrong time – or not at all?

To evict a tenant with a Section 21 notice, a copy of the How to Rent guide should be provided at the right time, which is before a tenant moves in. If that hasn’t been done, then a notice won’t be able to be served.

If tenants don't receive the document before their new tenancy starts, it could invalidate the Section 21 notice to evict. However, issuing a Section 8 notice will be unaffected by the How to Rent guide process.

Stay compliant with the How to Rent guide

The UK Government’s website has the latest version and logs dates updates have been made. This will help to view changes since it was issued for a tenancy, particularly for a tenancy renewal.

To avoid any mistakes, download the latest version from the UK Government's website to share at the start of each tenancy too.

It is important to keep an audit trail of what tenants have received. Ask them to sign a document to confirm receipt and keep track of any email communication.

Some lettings platforms, like Goodlord, automatically update the How to Rent guide for lettings agents, so each tenancy is compliant. Contact their sales team via [email protected] or 020 3198 2060 to find out more.

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