Latest possession statistics show letting agents support tenants

Official UK Government figures show the number of possession actions across court stages in England and Wales were higher than those reported in 2020 but significantly lower than in the same quarter of 2019.

Man reading an evicition notice

Compared to pre-pandemic levels during July to September 2019, landlord possession actions (claims, orders, warrants, and repossessions) have decreased by:

  • 64 per cent for claims
  • 75 per cent for orders for possessions
  • 69 per cent for warrants
  • 35 per cent for repossessions

As a result of new policies associated with the coronavirus outbreak, landlord possession actions have dropped significantly — a trend that has continued past the date when protections such as bans on evictions were lifted.

Since 2016, figures have been on a steady downwards trajectory, and letting agents worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic to resolve issues between landlords and tenants by negotiating rent reductions and acting as mediators.

Whilst there are many steps that can be explored before eviction, for some landlords and letting agents, the tough decision of an eviction has had to be made, but ultimately, it’s important to realise that nearly half of all landlords have just one rental property and are faced with the same financial pressures as others — 54 per cent of landlords have buy to let mortgages on their rented properties and ultimately must factor that in to their decisions when facing tenant issues. 

With reform still on the cards for the private rented sector, we hope that decision makers take note of these figures and realise that abolishing section 21 is not the silver bullet some think it is.

Timothy Douglas
Timothy Douglas Policy and Campaigns Manager | Propertymark
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