Licensing consultation template

Is a discretionary licensing scheme being consulted on in your area? We have created a Word template for you to submit to your local authority. The letter explains why discretionary licensing schemes are not an effective way of promoting higher quality accommodation. 

Propertymark's licensing consultation template

Discretionary property licensing

If you agree that instead of introducing further discretionary property licensing, local authorities should adopt a collaborative approach with letting agents, landlords and professional bodies to tackle issues within the private rented sector, we encourage you to send this evidence to your local authority.

Aerial view of Leeds
Landlord Licensing

We do not believe that selective licensing schemes are an effective way of promoting higher quality accommodation. Find out why we believe this and why a collaborative approach is needed.

Licensing schemes heavily focus on the administration involved, often directing staff away from enforcement to process applications. Councils have indicated that processing a single application can take between 15 minutes and one hour. This can be incredibly time consuming and costly when thousands of properties require licensing.

Download the template
