More new supported and specialist homes are needed

The National Housing Federation (NHF) predicts that by 2045 around 2.3 million older people could be living in homes that don’t meet their needs unless the housing sector is given the tools and policy landscape they need to provide a solution.

Retired couple getting key off estate agent

The NHF is hoping to gather a robust evidence base to lobby the UK Government for more sustainable investment and a distinct strategy for older people’s housing by placing the focus of their 2023 survey on barriers to the creation of new supported and specialist housing,

Independent experts examining options

In May 2023 an Older People’s Housing Task Force was launched in England with a 12-month remit to report back to the UK Government on how it can ensure a range of suitable housing options are available and the housing market works for older people.

The UK has an ageing population and providing homes with support will help reduce costs to the social care and health systems, giving people more independence in their own homes as they get older.

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Funding to improve accessibility

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) announced an additional £50 million fund in September 2023 to help older and disabled people in England make changes that will help them continue to live safely in their own homes.  

The Disabled Facilities Grant is available to owners, tenants and landlords, and can provide grants of up to £30,000 in England, £36,000 in Wales and £25,000 in Northern Ireland. The DFG is not available in Scotland, but other funding schemes do exist.

Bathroom for disabled or elderly
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Representing our members

Propertymark will respond to the survey using insight from our members and any comments are welcome, which can be sent to our Policy and Campaigns Team via [email protected]

We also encourage individuals and organisations to respond directly to add their expertise. To be added to the mailing list for the survey contact Ed Barber, NHF Policy Officer at [email protected]