The APPG invites contributions from stakeholders representing tenants, landlords and property professionals, and Jacob Young, MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Levelling Up, who is responsible for taking the Renters (Reform) Bill through Parliament, attended the meeting to hear how the UK Government must ensure that it is working to bring tenant, landlord and letting agent groups together as it shapes its final rental reform package.
Letting agents have a significant role to play in helping to deliver the planned changes to tenancy reforms, with a move to a more evidence-based approach to possession grounds and carrying out checks on properties to support the application of the Decent Homes Standard in the private rented sector.
Alleviating the housing crisis
Andrew Lewer, MBE MP, Chair of the APPG, states that currently the private rented sector is not delivering the number of homes needed for a myriad of reasons and more housing is required for all tenures. That includes more private rented homes to help meet demand. Given this, the UK Government must get its rental reform right to avoid exacerbating the housing crisis.
Enhancing the role of agents
According to the UK Government, there are an estimated 19,000 letting agents and 2.3 million landlords in England, with 46% of landlords using a letting agent. This places agents as a vital part of plans to create a better and fairer system.
However, the lack of legislation to regulate agents has inevitably created a postcode lottery of service levels for tenants and landlords alike. Propertymark’s long-term campaign for regulation calls for minimum qualification requirements for agents, a Code of Practice to ensure minimum service standards and a mandatory register of licensed agents.
Raising the profile of the PRS
Propertymark is a regular contributor to the work of the APPG, which raises greater awareness of the PRS in Parliament by providing a forum for parliamentarians to discuss issues relevant to the sector and engage with ministers, landlords, tenants and other interested parties. The group meets regularly to discuss key issues, conduct inquiries, and host specialist witnesses to gather evidence.