Propertymark issues representation ahead of Autumn Budget

With a General Election on the horizon, the UK Government has an opportunity to support landlords, tenants, and property agents with the impact of the cost of living through welfare reform, bring down energy bills by improving the energy efficiency of homes and reducing the tax burden on landlords and investors to tackle the demand the crisis in the private rented sector.

Man holding red briefcase

Uplift of Local Housing Allowance Rate

The cost-of-living crisis has driven many people into poverty and has increased the risk of homelessness. Local authorities are inundated with homelessness requests and housing options are limited for many people. Setting the Local Housing Allowance to the fiftieth percentile will help reduce cases of rent arrears and ensure stability for landlords and tenants as well as help recipients receive better accommodation. 

Reform of Universal Credit

Like in Scotland, Universal Credit claimants should be free to choose if they want to receive their benefits twice monthly or once a month. Furthermore, to tackle rent arrears, the Universal Credit advance should be transformed into a non-repayable grant from the first day of the claim. The current system causes many people to go into cash flow problems. 

Universal credit logo.jpg
09 May 2023
Propertymark highlights issues with housing related benefits

Suspension of the Shared Accommodation Rate (SAR)

SARs place a cap on the amount of assistance that can be provided through the benefits system. We are calling for a suspension of these rates. Claimants are eligible to receive money to cover the cost of a single room in a shared house with a shared kitchen and bathroom. According to research from the Yorkshire Building Society, under-35s spend two-thirds of their weekly expenditure on essentials. 

Make homes more energy-efficient

The UK Government must issue a combination of grants, loans, and help with survey costs to incentivise landlords and homeowners. We believe this can help homes become more energy efficient, ensure the UK Government meets its net-zero targets, and reduce long-term costs for homeowners. 

Tree and globe held in hands
17 Aug 2023
Financial incentives and clarity on targets needed to improve energy efficiency

Reversal of Section 24 of the Finance Act

Propertymark is calling on the UK Government to look at landlords as a small business and to allow them to claim 100 per cent of their mortgage interest. When George Osborne removed mortgage interest relief in 2015, the costs for landlords increased significantly and disincentivised the number of people wanting to enter the private rental sector. 

Tax written on chalkboard next to some model houses
04 Sep 2023
Tax policies must incentivise landlords, not drive them out of the sector
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