The future of the PRS in Scotland
Overly burdensome blanket policies are likely to have a negative effect on the sector at a time when demand is far outstripping supply.
Propertymark is concerned landlords, many of whom have also been personally affected by the pandemic, coupled with pre and post-pandemic regulatory changes, will either sell up or turn to the short-term letting market diminishing the much-needed supply of housing even further.
There is widespread support for measures to tackle the rogue element of the sector, and Propertymark members, who take their role seriously in ensuring the properties under management are safe and compliant, are keen to see the raft of existing regulations adhered to by all and properly enforced before new rules are considered.
Engaging with Governments and parliamentarians to highlight the importance of ensuring new policies are developed based on reliable evidence is a key part of Propertymark's work. The PRS plays a crucial role in the housing system, providing homes to people who cannot, or simply do not want to, own their own home and for whom the social rented sector is not an option. Propertymark would welcome an opportunity to work alongside Harvie as he develops plans for the PRS.