Despite Propertymark’s calls for Government-backed energy efficiency funding to move away from a one-size-fits-all policy, it’s also important for agents to check their portfolios in order to work with landlords and plan for future changes. Propertymark has produced a new guide to advise letting agents on how they can best prepare and start to audit their portfolios.
Energy efficiency
The UK housing stock is amongst the least energy efficient in Europe and the Committee on Climate Change says that energy use in homes accounts for about 14 per cent of UK greenhouse gas emissions. Non-domestic buildings account for around one-third of UK emissions from the building stock.
Energy efficiency funding
Depending on the type of property combined with the circumstances of the landlord and tenant, there are small pockets of funding available to help improve the energy efficiency of private rented property and achieve existing and future energy performance targets.
Welsh householders who own or privately rent their homes could be eligible for Nest funded home energy efficiency improvements. However, recipients of this financial support must be in receipt of a means-tested benefit or living with specific health conditions, as well as living in the most energy inefficient properties.
Home Energy Scotland offers funding and advice to help rented properties within Scotland meet energy efficiency standards, through loans for landlords.
Northern Ireland
For Northern Ireland, NI Energy Advice offers independent and impartial energy advice to domestic householders.
Homeowners in England may be able to benefit from the Green Homes Grant Local Authority Deal (LAD) Delivery Scheme. The LAD scheme aims to raise the energy efficiency of low income and low energy performance homes. The second phase of the scheme allocated funding to Local Energy Hubs, based in five areas across England.
For low-income households living off-gas grid in England, HUG funding could be available to provide energy efficiency upgrades and low-carbon heating. The £150 million of funding enables the installation of multiple measures to improve energy efficiencies and applications from local authorities opened in summer 2021.
Great Britain
Homeowners and landlords in Great Britain may be able to benefit financially from the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) scheme. Built around tackling fuel poverty and helping to reduce carbon emissions, ECO sees medium and larger energy suppliers fund the installation of energy efficiency measures in British households. This includes rented accommodation.
Get your free energy efficiency guide
To receive a copy of our energy efficiency guide, simply fill out the form to receive an email with a download link to the guide. Propertymark wants to see more energy–efficient homes, but any new requirements set out by the Government must be realistic and achievable.