PRS landlords and tenants with pets’ survey

Northumbria Law School and the Open University are conducting research into whether private rented sector (PRS) landlords rent to tenants with pets and the issues and/or benefits of doing so.

Dog posing with model house on snout

The Society for Companion Animal Studies has commissioned the survey to investigate barriers the PRS has with renting properties to tenants with cats and/or dogs and if landlords are reluctant to take on such tenants.

The research will contribute to the growing debate over pets in the PRS and what the real reform would look like. 

Renting with pets

Under the Tenant Fees Act, landlords and letting agents in England are no longer able to take a higher Security Deposit for tenants with pets. Requirements from lenders and leases on flats or freeholders often have terms that restrict allowing pets. Additionally, pets are not always suitable in certain properties, such as large dogs in small flats without gardens.

Propertymark is continuing to work with partners on the issue of renting with pets and has raised concerns about the practicalities with politicians, charities and the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Cats. 

Propertymark Guidance

Propertymark has also recently produced guidance for letting agents and their landlords that can help maximise the benefits of renting with pets while taking appropriate action to minimise the risk of damage.

Renting with pets

Propertymark renting with pets guide
29 Nov 2021
Renting with pets

This guide provides letting agents and their landlords with information that can help maximise the benefits of renting with pets while taking appropriate action to minimise the risk of damage.

Consumer advice and tips for tenants with pets is also an area Propertymark provides guidance on to help tenants understand the associated risks, which may be why some landlords reserve the right to prevent pets in their properties.

Dog relaxing on sofa
Renting with pets

If a rented property prohibits pets but you believe the property would be suitable, use our tips to help strengthen your case to change the landlord's stance on pets.

Barriers to renting with pets

The survey is open until 14 January 2021 and information is voluntary with any personal information optional. However, further interviewing based on responses, could take place if participants are willing.
