Feedback from letting agents and landlords revealed communicating inspection visits with tenants and co-ordinating those visits with teams has historically been difficult to achieve, can be a logistical and costly nightmare – and a huge admin time-drain.
Tenant communications via manual emails and telephone calls take up hours of unnecessary time. Poorly planned, those visits can also incur additional time on the road and mounting fuel costs.
Automated tenant workflows
The development into the Diary and Maps Add-on functionality has been extensive resulting in automated tenant workflows to reduce office administration time, with an easy-to-use map view to assign inspections to team members so property inspections can be carried out with less office admin time.
The add-on seamlessly integrates with staff diaries, schedules, and a map view of the area. The functionality also automatically schedules recurring interim visits, sends appointment details to tenants in-app, manages tenant confirmation and reschedules based on real-time inspector availability.
Another key feature includes Google Map integration to visually plan the best route for an inspector’s day, with travel time calculation, mileage monitoring and carbon footprint tracking.
Property managers, letting agents and landlords can learn more at Inventory Hive.
Inventory Hive: Property inspection software
Inventory Hive is a cloud-based property reporting and 360° virtual tour software, allowing for market leading paperless management of inventories, check-ins, interim visits, comparative check-outs, custom reports and easy to use virtual tours.