Role of property agents must be reflected fairly in Renters (Reform) Bill

Today, 19 October 2023, the Leader of the House of Commons the Rt. Hon. Penny Mordaunt MP announced that the Renters (Reform) Bill would return to Parliament for its Second Reading on Monday 23 October 2023. Propertymark has actively engaged with MPs on the content of the Bill throughout the summer and during our attendance at the party conferences. We have sent a full briefing to over 500 MPs before the debate to ensure our members' views are heard and reflected in the Bill.

Westminster Houses of Parliament lampost

What does this mean?

This will be the first opportunity for MPs to debate the main principles of the Bill, and there will be an opportunity for all MPs to contribute. At the end of the session, the MPs will decide whether the Bill should progress to the next stage. 

Read more about the parliamentary process here  →

Representing letting agents

We have sent a briefing to over 500 MPs to outline our concerns and to make sure Propertymark member agents are represented fully.

The Bill needs a great deal of further thought to avoid unintended consequences including ensuring the vital role of property agents is reflected fairly. Without enhancing the role of letting agents through regulation, it is unlikely that tenants will see improved standards and many landlords will be left to navigate the more complex legal environment they will be operating in. Key recommendations to strengthen the Bill are:

  • Ensuring fixed-term tenancies are retained
  • More mandatory grounds
  • Court reform
  • A new Ombudsman covering all private landlords
  • More recognition of the impact pet damage has on landlords
  • Written tenancy agreement and a compulsory property inventory

Download Propertymark's briefing to MPs →

What you can do

Writing to your MP as a local resident and business owner or employee is a powerful way of ensuring your voice is heard. This legislation will bring about huge changes to the rented sector so use the resources in our Campaign Toolkit to ensure your local MP is aware of your views ahead of the debate on Monday.

If you contact your local MP and receive a response, please let the Policy and Campaigns Team know via [email protected].

Now that the green light has finally been given for the Second Reading of the Renters Reform Bill, MPs and Peers must ensure the vital role of property agents is reflected fairly in the Bill.

Without enhancing the role of letting agents through regulation, it is unlikely that tenants will see improved standards and many landlords will be left to navigate the more complex legal environment they will be operating in.

We remain concerned about the removal of fixed-term tenancies and agents and landlords need confidence in the capacity of the court system to deal with the changes and ensure that the revised system of grounds is robust enough to ensure landlords can get their property back when things go wrong. It is imperative the Bill is evidence-based and works for tenants, letting agents, and landlords. and we stand ready to support the UK Government to ensure the Bill is workable.

Timothy Douglas Serious
Timothy Douglas Head of Policy and Campaigns | Propertymark