Scottish power sharing agreement a threat to PRS

Professionals warn aspects of the Scottish Greens manifesto could come into play as the SNP and Scottish Greens agree a new power-sharing partnership.

Scottish Parliament Building

The SNP has now confirmed that two Green MSPs will be appointed as Junior Ministers in Nicola Sturgeon's Government resulting in property experts recalling aspects of the Greens’ manifesto and what changes they may push, especially in Scotland’s private rented sector (PRS).

Sturgeon described the agreement between the SNP and the Scottish Greens as "ground-breaking” but professionals warn it could be catastrophic for the sector. Their 2021 manifesto outlines plans to create legislation to transform the PRS and increase protections for tenants, including further regulation of rent.

The Scottish Greens hope to introduce a points-based system of rent controls as well as banning winter evictions as well as making all grounds of evictions discretionary. 

Scottish officials made the decision in June 2021 to extend their temporary COVID-19 measures, seeing all grounds for possession be discretionary, until March 2022 with the provision to be extended until September 2022.

At a time when demand for privately rented homes is massively outstripping supply, several of the Greens’ proposals risk deterring private landlords from the market. The Private Rented Sector provides a vital service in the housing system and recently this contribution feels forgotten -surely an ill thought through policy objective
Daryl McIntosh
Daryl McIntosh Policy Manager | Propertymark

Rent controls are not the answer. What’s needed is proper enforcement of existing rules, additional supply and more social housing.

Timothy Douglas
Timothy Douglas Policy and Campaigns Manager | Propertymark