Simpler Right to Rent checks for tenants with pre-settled status

The Home Office has made changes to the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) designed to simplify the Right to Rent and similar checks for pre-settled status holders. Letting agents and landlords will only need to carry out a check at the beginning of a tenancy.

Woman looking a properies in an estate agent's window

What is changing?

People with pre-settled status under the EUSS will automatically have their status extended by five years before it expires if they have not obtained settled status. Pre-settled status holders do not need to take any action because of this change.

The Home Office will also remove the pre-settled status expiry date from the digital profiles shown to third parties in the online checking services including Right to Rent. Letting agents and landlords will not be required to conduct a further Right to Rent check as part of that tenancy agreement.

Checking the status

Letting agents and landlords must continue to check the person they are renting to has the right to rent in the UK. These checks must be carried out on all nationalities.

Where the individual holds pre-settled status, the letting agent or landlord can confirm their right to rent by using the Home Office online checking service. Having completed the initial Right to Rent check, a further follow-up check, during employment or a tenancy, will not be required.

These changes will be reflected on the screens of the Right to Rent checking services and relevant UK Government guidance will also be updated.

Agent going through a contract with a couple
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