Views sought on changes to Permitted Development Rights

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has opened a consultation to change the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 that allows for the change of use to dwelling houses.

Plans and compass.

Other changes would include certain permitted development rights that allow agricultural diversification and development on agricultural units, non-domestic extensions and the erection of new industrial and warehouse buildings, the temporary use of land to allow markets to operate for more days, the erection, extension or alteration of schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, and closed prisons to also apply to open prisons, as well as the application of local design codes to certain permitted development rights.

This consultation also contains a call for evidence led by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs who are seeking views on nature-based solutions, farm efficiency projects and diversification.

The UK Government is mindful of its responsibility to have regard to the potential impact of any proposals on the Public Sector Equality Duty, and therefore views are additionally sought on whether there are any impacts arising from these measures on those with a protected characteristic.

Local area impacts

Any potential impacts on businesses, local planning authorities and communities from the proposed measures is also something the consultation is looking for views on. Therefore, local authorities, representative bodies, and businesses are strongly encouraged to respond. 

Propertymark will be responding on behalf of its membership and if thoughts can be fed to our Policy Team via [email protected]. The consultation closes on 25 September 2023.