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Agent shaking hands with couple outside a property
21 Jun 2024
Rent Smart Wales has more potential to elevate standards

In response to the Welsh Government’s call for evidence, Propertymark has shared members’ views on the impact of the legislation on their operations and business practices. We recognise that Rent Smart Wales (RSW) has achieved some progress in regulating and improving the private rental sector (PRS) and have made specific recommendations for how the Senedd can build on this going forward.

Buy, sell matchstick house.jpg
15 May 2024
Axing multiple dwelling relief risks cuts to housing supply

Propertymark has called on the Welsh Government to think differently from the UK Government and keep Land Transaction Tax (LTT) relief for multiple dwellings as well as maintaining the 6-dwelling rule. Now that the relief is not available in England, the Welsh private rented sector (PRS) could appear more attractive to investors and Ministers should consider other policy approaches to encourage this.

Peron with calculator having a conversation
15 May 2024
Simpler access to tax discounts for low-income households

The Welsh Government is consulting on ways to improve its Council Tax Reduction (CTR) scheme after its 2022-23 report revealed relatively low take-up from households that would potentially be entitled to support. The proposals include linking Universal Credit and the CTR scheme to allow proactive identification of eligible residents.

Black house for sale board
09 May 2024
Committee explores chief obstacles to stress-free home buying and selling

The cross-party Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee (LUHCC), chaired by Clive Betts, MP, is gathering evidence on the stumbling blocks to improvements, and has highlighted a lack of transparency around conveyancing services, ‘referral fees’, and the regulation of estate agents as key areas of focus. Propertymark has submitted written evidence to the LUHCC and our Head of Policy and Campaigns, Timothy Douglas, spoke to the Committee in person on 13 May 2024.

Modern looking apartments
16 Apr 2024
Loopholes in Rent-to-Rent must be closed to avoid abuse

Trading Standards is examining the impact of Rent-to-Rent and Guaranteed Rent (R2R) schemes on the private rented sector (PRS) in England, with the aim of identifying and evidencing areas of good practice, and issues of relevant non-compliance or emerging concerns. Propertymark was invited to provide input to an exploratory consultation as an interested party.

Northern Ireland Londonderry rooftop houses
16 Apr 2024
Stormont has the chance to address critical housing issues with policy refresh

The Department for Communities (DfC) is refreshing it's proposals for reform of the Private Rented Sector (PRS) which were first published in 2017. In response to their stakeholder survey, Propertymark has urged the DfC to prioritise increasing housing supply, regulating property agents, and taking a carefully considered approach to energy efficiency targets.

Mother and son viewing bedroom
10 Apr 2024
PRS tenants must not be left behind as social sector raises standards

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities intends to boost standards in social housing by requiring senior managers and executives to have, or be working towards, a relevant qualification. Propertymark has strongly challenged the decision not to extend this requirement to all property agents in the UK, and questioned why private tenants should not expect the same protections as those in the social sector.

Land registry .jpg
08 Apr 2024
Agents need land revenue services to be accessible and affordable

HM Land Revenue (HMLR) provides vital information for agents listing properties to let and sell and completing the sales process. Quick, cost-effective access to these services is more important than ever as the industry adjusts to the latest material information guidance.

Cranes building a high-rise block
08 Apr 2024
Brownfield planning policy must promote quality homes

Propertymark is encouraging the UK Government to explore all viable methods of increasing the delivery of homes, however, the approach must not lose sight of the importance of creating decent homes that people want to buy in the places they want to live. In our consultation response to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) we suggest improvements to their proposals that will help avoid unintended consequences.

Online ourchase using credit card and laptop
28 Mar 2024
Propertymark has authoritative voice on UK money-laundering risk

Every two years, the European Commission assesses the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing affecting both the EU internal market and cross-border activities. As a member of CEPI, the European Association of Real Estate Professionals, we work with them to provide the perspective of the UK market.

The word tax spelled out on wooden toy blocks
26 Mar 2024
Homeowners to have more time to claim back tax payments

Propertymark supports Welsh Government proposals to extend the time allowed to apply for refunds and exemptions to land transaction tax (LTT) higher residential rates for taxpayers affected by fire safety defects or emergency restrictions but calls for the Covid-19 restrictions to be included.

Energy efficient house
20 Mar 2024
New homes to boost progress to net zero

The UK Government’s detailed proposals for the 2025 Future Homes and Buildings Standards will amend existing legislation to set new minimum energy efficiency requirements for buildings in England. Most changes will apply to new homes and non-domestic buildings and should ensure no further work will be needed for new buildings to produce zero carbon emissions as the electricity grid decarbonises.

Edinburgh landscape
13 Mar 2024
Pathway to clean heat in buildings charted

The Scottish Government has set out proposals for how homeowners and landlords can meet energy efficiency targets and reconfirmed its intention to ban polluting heating systems from 2045. Whilst Propertymark welcomes the ambition, we believe enhancements are needed to make the plans achievable.

Man reading an evicition notice
11 Mar 2024
Tougher powers to address anti-social behaviour should extend to PRS

Proposed changes to legislation in Northern Ireland would expand the definition of anti-social behaviour to include provisions around housing, putting it on a par with other parts of the UK. However, absolute grounds for possession are limited to the social rented sector, and the measures will not avoid the remaining difficulties with evicting troublesome tenants that are still seen in England and Wales.

Aerial photo of Manchester skyline
07 Mar 2024
Agent membership could supercharge Good Landlord Charter

A proposed voluntary scheme from the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) invites landlords from the private and social sectors to commit to standards which go beyond the minimum required by law and aims to help tenants recognise and identify a good landlord. Whilst Propertymark welcomes these aims, we believe the scheme would be strengthened if agents were also considered for membership.

Scaffolding on apartments
21 Feb 2024
Fairness is vital for success of Building Safety Levy

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) carried out a first consultation on the implementation of the levy which closed on 7 February 2023. The current technical consultation concentrates on the methodology for levy calculation, the collection process, disputes and appeals and further exemptions.

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